Dana F. Hinkson's profile

Diana Ross Illustrator Portrait

D I A N A   R O S S   P O R T R A I T (2020)
adobe illustrator portrait​​​​​​​
ABOVE - completed illustrator portrait of Diana Ross.
r u n - d o w n

prompt — create a portrait of a famous person based on an existing photograph 
in Adobe Illustrator. the background should be based on an existing photo as well. 
include text.

plan — make a portrait of Diana Ross based on a photograph of her by Andy Warhol, the background based on a Pierre et Gilles photo, and text from the lyrics of 
Ross' song It's My House.

client — process and production course
software/medium — Adobe Illustrator
LEFT TO RIGHT - the source of Diana Ross' photo and the photo of her.
LEFT TO RIGHT - the source of the background picture and the picture that was used.
LEFT TO RIGHT - rough drawings of Ross and the background.
LEFT TO RIGHT - An earlier work-in-progress and a refined work-in-progress of the portrait.
thank you.
Diana Ross Illustrator Portrait


Diana Ross Illustrator Portrait
